
Welcome to 2013

Welcome to 2013

As we finish another year and move into a new one, 
We hope that everyone will continue the spirit 
that the holiday season has brought! 
Today is a new fresh start to
focus on loving more and helping one another!

Many people take this fresh start as an opportunity 
to make New Year's Resolutions; 
Goals for the upcoming year!

Many of the common resolutions are to 
eat more healthy, lose weight, exercise more, 
manage our stress, quit smoking, manage our money better,  
save money, and get organized.

This year also consider spending more time with 
family and friends as life is so very precious and  
can be gone before we know it.  Focus on creating memories
that will last a lifetime and for others to remember even after
we are gone.    

Focus on helping one another not only during times 
of need or illness, but instead each and every day throughout 
the year.  It only takes a second to bring a smile to someone's 
face and that small act of kindness can stay with them forever!
T.E.A.M - Together Everyone Achieves More!

We want to thank all of our wonderful friends 
for all of the acts of kindness we have received 
throughout 2012 and look forward to more memories 
with old and new acquaintances! 

Stay tuned for more exciting events and fun 
from Holiday Headquarters!

We have only just begun!