
A Look Back at 2012

A Look Back at 2012

A look back into the year 2012, 
whether it was politics, crime, education, 
or the economy 2012 was full of memorable moments. 
The Mayans were wrong so we forge ahead into 2013. 
Every New Year offers an opportunity 
for a fresh start to set new goals and affirmations. 
You don’t have to be a World leader 
or belong to the elusive 1% club to make a difference! 

Let’s all resolve to have more compassion for others in 2013! 
With the use of social media for raising awareness 
we ALL can make a difference to encourage reaching out 
to others less fortunate than ourselves. 

It’s easy to lose sight of our own blessings we do have 
when so many are struggling to make ends meet. 
I know that I am guilty of this myself! 
This past year has been difficult but has made me 
stronger and more resourceful. I’m grateful for my 
family, children, grandchildren and my health. 
So I urge you all to reach out this coming year, 
get off your pity pots and make a difference 
within your community.  It costs you nothing to volunteer 
your time, check in on an aging neighbor etc...

THIS will be your greatest GIFT of the Season! 
Perhaps you think this is just some dippy hippy opinion 
and I need to take off my rose colored glasses 
but I would like to see us all make an effort to be 
kinder and gentler because you never know what burden 
someone else is carrying around. 
It would be the greatest opportunity, 
the greatest difference, 
our greatest possession 

Wishing you all many blessings 
for the New Year! 

Peace, Debbi 

From @happyhippyshack

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