
Time Flies

Time Flies When You are Spreading Good Cheer!

One year ago this week, we opened our store on Ebay!  
We began with only a few items and tried to learn the trials 
and tribulations of selling online!  We had to take a crash 
course on how to list items and ship them to our customers 
because we had never sold online prior to that.  We remember 
seeing our first watchers on an item and getting so excited 
that someone was interested in our products.  We sold our 
first item on November 22, 2011 and we started 
seeing more items sell as the holiday season was nearing.  

It was so exciting that we continued to find more items to list 
in our store.  We soon found that we could download the 
Ebay App to our phones, and it was an easy way 
keep track of what sold.    We added the "Dukes of Hazard" 
General Lee horn ring tone as the notification of a sold item 
and every time that horn went off, what a rush!  
We would laugh and grin from ear to ear 
and it was great motivation!

We began getting so much positive feedback from our customers.  
One time we were able to get a special gift to a father just in time 
for his little girl for Christmas!  It really makes you feel special 
when you can deliver a smile to someone's face.  We remember 
our first international sale as well.  It was three pairs of Guess 
slippers to a gentlemen in Germany.  He was so happy with his 
purchase and again we were thrilled that we actually sold 
and shipped an item internationally.   

Soon we moved into the social media arena as a way to 
continue marketing our products.  We opened a Facebook 
account and a Twitter account and started posting and tweeting 
our items.  Every new Facebook friend request and Twitter 
follower was so exciting.  Again, we had to give ourselves a 
crash course in how to use these media tools.   We remember 
the first time one of our items was re-tweeted and how 
awesome that made us feel.  We were so thankful that 
someone would want to do that for us. They had so many 
more followers than we ever imagined that we could have!  

Today, we have become a Top Rated Plus Seller on Ebay 
with a 100% positive feedback.  We have Facebook, Twitter, 
and Pinterest accounts and several other social media 
applications.  Because of our own struggles to build a 
successful small business, we try hard to "Pay It Forward" 
to others that are just beginning as well.  We love to 
Re-tweet, Mention, and give Shout-outs to many of our 
friends, customers, and future acquaintances.  
As a way to help promote small businesses 
and enjoy the holidays, we created this 
Holiday Headquarters Blog for everyone to enjoy.  

So if you are thinking about opening an online store, 
remember with social media at our disposal, 
anything is possible.  Together we can all be successful!

Overall, it has been an incredible ride 
and we can't wait for the years to come!

Wishing all of our customers and friends a
very happy holiday season!

From P & S Southwest Styles


  1. I love your business ethics and PAY IT FORWARD thoughts. I also know of your excitement on the "firsts" you mention. You have helped me so much on twitter and in my business. I am forever thankful. You are a true GEM!

  2. What a lovely story
