
Six Reasons for Buying Collectibles and Antiques

Six reasons for buying collectibles and antiques 

Just about everybody has some sort of collection. 
They vary from Highly expensive collectibles and antiques, 
to comic books or Pez Candy dispensers . And, for our children, 
a collection of both smooth and rough rocks from all the 
yards in the neighborhood. There are many reasons to collect 
these treasures. My mother and father started 
collecting Lladros and Hummels many years back. I think they 
really enjoyed having them around the house. After my father died, 
my mother started buying dolls. Not just a few dolls either. 
Over the last 20 years, she has filled up her living room 
with at least 300 dolls. 

 1. A lot of people collect for sentimental reasons. They 
find something that reminds them of a loved one or of 
their childhood. A lot of these items get passed down from 
generation to generation and at some point, they find their 
way into the open market for another antiquarian of the 
old and ornate items from the past.

2. Many love to to find antiques to restore and then 
to resell. They look for items that need some love and attention 
to get them looking like they were originally intended be. 
Others like to restore them to another state as an expression 
of their interpretation of what an item should look like. 
Repurposing has become huge for those with the imagination 
and skills to turn a vintage suitcase into a pet bed or an 
antique cart into a coffee table.

3.Some collectors love the chase or the find.  If you have ever 
watched shows like American Pickers, you can feel the thrill of 
the hunt as Mike and Frank forage all over the country looking 
thru barns and garages for that great find or treasure. I myself 
spent some time perusing thru storage locker auctions.  
I can tell you how exciting it was finding that something 
special, buried behind all those boxes of broken furniture 
in a 10 X 30 tin room. 

4. Collecting as a hobby.  While some just collect in their 
free time, many don't even buy. They just enjoy seeing 
what's offered and learning about the history of these items 
and what country they originally came from.  Then, they love 
to pass that information on to others.  I was having a garage sale 
a few years back and I had this German beer stein that was a 
gift many years back.  I had the stein out there for sale.  This lady 
was looking at it and she asked me how much.  I told her $5 and 
she brought it up to me and showed me the maker's mark.  
She gave me a history lesson of what it was and what it 
meant and told me that I should be able to get a good price for it.  
So, I put it away and later that night, I did some research on it.  
I ended up listing it on eBay and sold it for $100. 
That was my very first online sale

5. Decorating with antiques and collectibles is very 
popular and stylish.  Finding just that right antique to go 
in that nook or filling that curio with your favorite collectibles is 
both fun and fashionable.

6.  Going green?  Well, maybe.  Much of the antique furniture 
that is out there is very well built and can last for many years.  
A lot of buyers feel that by using these antiques,they are 
helping the environment when they reuse and repurpose 
old furniture.  However, in searching for these items, 
they may be leaving a bigger carbon footprint. Buying from 
an online seller can help reduce that by letting you find 
just about any antique or collectible without driving 
all over the country searching.

Whatever your reason for buying and collecting these treasures, 
they continue to grow in popularity and can now be found 
online in abundance and at bargain prices.
David Rayor
Monet Court

You can learn more about these collectibles and antiques at 
or you can find great items to purchase at Monet Court on eBay 
You can also visit him on Twitter at @MonetCourt

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