
Don't forget Dad!

Father's Day is rapidly approaching so be sure not to forget about Dad!  Dad's are very special, and deserve to have a day filled with rest and relaxation.  Many times we look at dad and we see a man that helps around the house and protects us. We see a man with a rough and tough exterior, but sometimes we don't realize that dad's have very big hearts!  They may not always show it in ways we expect them to, but they really do love and care about their family!  So to honor dad for all he does all year through, do something special for dad this year!  If he loves to golf, give him a day on the course. If he loves to fish, give him a day at the lake.  If he wants to watch his favorite shows, 
let him be king of the remote. 
Thank dad for all he does and give him a day to remember! 
He definitely deserves it. 

So all of you incredible Father's, Dads, Daddies, and Dads-to-be, 
Holiday Headquarters would like to wish you a Happy Father's Day!

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