
Yo Ho Yo Ho It's the Pirates Life for me!

Shiver me timbers! Somebody hornswaggled me out of my treasure! Time to make dem Thaves, ghouls, and goblins walk the plank.  Then once me treasure is back, we can celebrate wit me favorite rum and sing me favorite song.

" Yo ho, yo ho
It's a pirate's life for me.
We kindle and char, inflame and ignite, 
Drink up me 'earties Yo Ho
We burn up the city.  We're really a fright, Drink up, me 'earties, Yo Ho "

Aye Matey!  Not sure what to be for Halloween this year!  Captain Jack Sparrow, Captain Hook or a Pirate's wench are all great choices to turn some heads this year.   

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