
Twas the night before the Superbowl

Gear up for Super Bowl XLIX at
Twas the Saturday night before the Superbowl and all through the Town
 Everyone was stirring cuz the game was bout to go down. 

 The team flags were all hung on the rvs with care 
You could see that team spirit was flowing in the air 

 The fans were all decked out in their favorite team's threads 
While visions of touchdowns danced in their heads 

 And mamma with her pom-poms and I with my ball cap 
we could hardly wait for the game so we could cheer and clap 

 All of the sudden we heard such a clatter, 
We jumped from our chairs to see what was the matter 

 Away from our chairs we flew in a flash 
it was a pre-Superbowl pep rally and bash 

 The moon was bright and there was cactus all around 
and off in the distance there was a fire on the ground 

 When what to our wondering eyes should appear 
but a crazy fan running with his flag shouting they're here 

 The music started playing and the pom squad started to kick 
to get to the front we had to be quick 

 More rapid than voltures the crowd of fans came 
The cheerleaders jumped and shouted and called them by name 

Now Wilson, Now Brady, Now Lynch,and Gronk they won't be quittin 
On Collins, on Chancellor, on Hightower,and Sherman will be blizt'en. 

 As each name was called, the fans started to cheer 
In hopes that there favorites would win the Superbowl this year 

 To the stadium! To the field! Tomorrow they will be 
 Where the champion will be crowned with the Superbowl trophy! 

 Seattle Seahawks vs New England Patriots 

 Who do you think will win?

Are you ready for the Pro Bowl?

Are you excited about the Pro Bowl this weekend? 

The Pro Bowl will be held at the University of Phoenix stadium in Glendale, Arizona.  Many of the NFL star players were drafted by two Hall of Fame wide receivers as the alumni captains, Michael Irvin and Chris Carter. This year's coaches will be Jason Garrett of the Dallas Cowboys and John Harbaugh of the Baltimore Ravens. The team selection process was similar to the draft for Fantasy Football which is different from previous years where it was strictly NFC vs AFC conferences. The game will be televised on ESPN at 6pm local time January 25, 2015. 

 Holiday Headquarters has all the fan gear, tailgating equipment, or party supplies for the perfect 2015 Pro Bowl and Superbowl XLIX experience. You can also visit our Sports Paradise page for all your favorite teams. 

New Year New You

Welcome to 2015!
Hope everyone had a great holiday season and a Happy New Year! 
By now everyone is getting back into the swing of everyday life and trying to keep their resolutions in check. Some of the top New Year's resolutions are to eat more healthy, lose weight, reduce stress, save money, and get organized.  A new year is the perfect time to set goals and work hard to accomplish them throughout the year. Setting goals can help to motivate you towards your long-term vision.  As you start to accomplish these goals, it builds self-confidence and motivates you to continue striving to achieve the next goal. 

 Take long-term goals and break them down into small more manageable goals that can be achieved.  Accomplishing these small goals will continue to motivate you to tackle the next goal.  Don't get discouraged if you are failing to meet the deadline of your current goal.  Modify the goal or extend the deadline, but don't give up.  Before you know it, you will have finished 2015 and successfully mastered your long-term goal and ready for another New Years Resolution.  

If you are trying to eat more healthy, start by doing it once or twice a week for a month, then three to four times a week for the next month, and so on.  Before you know it, you will always be eating healthy all year long.  

Accomplishing goals is a big thing so celebrate these wins and reward yourself for a job well done. Be optimistic and have faith that you can do it. Continue to encourage yourself and those around you and make this year your best one yet!