
Don't Forget Dad!

Father's Day is right around the corner
and Holiday Headquarters is here
to make sure that you don't forget
your dear ol' dad on his special day! 
On Father's Day he is the 
owner of the remote control, 

king of the grill, 

and royalty who gets to kick back 
in the hammock for the day! 

This is his day to celebrate him
and all the wonderful things he has done! 
Don't Forget to get your dad
this Father's Day, June 16, 2013!

Thank You Heroes

As you celebrate Memorial Day, 
don't forget to remember those heroes
who have lost their lives 
serving to protect us so that we can 
continue to be free. 

 As you remember lost loved ones 
who gave their lives to keep us safe, 
don't forget to thank those who 
continue to serve and protect us! 

  Memorial Day is a time to Love, Honor and Thank 
so many Heroes for the sacrifices they make 
to ensure our safety! 

Holiday Headquarters would like to say 


And wish everyone a very safe 
and Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Remember Them

In just a a week or so, 
it will be time to celebrate 
Memorial Day!  
Many people think of Memorial Day 
as a time to go camping, 
have a barbeque or just get out of town 
for the long weekend.  
Memorial Day is much more 
than an extra day off.  
It is a time to remember 
those loved ones who lost their lives 
fighting for our country.  
It is a time to recognize family 
and friends who have given 
their greatest sacrifice 
so that we can live free in 
peace and happiness. 
So this Memorial Day 
as you are enjoying your time off 
from work, make sure to take time 
to Thank those Heroes 
and Remember those who 
we have lost while they 
were protecting us!

Love You Mom Contest Winners

Holiday Headquarters

Contest Winners

First Place 

Justine Redman


Karen Donato

Lynn Fuchylo

Juanita Martinez

to all of the Winners! 

Holiday Headquarters
hopes you had fun
and have
a very
Happy Mother's Day!

What's that Spell?

Holiday Headquarters
Mother's Day Contest

M is for Memories
O is for Others
T is for Time
H is for Home
E is for Encouraging
R is for Reassuring
Together they all make
an amazing
Tell your mom you love her
on Mother's Day and Everyday!
And stay tuned to find out
the winners of the contest!

R is For

Holiday Headquarters


IS FOR......
us with her hugs and kisses
that everything would
be alright

1.Using the links below find
one item in each store that
has a word in the item's
 description that has a word
that starts with the letter R 
or has an R in one of the words

2. Add a comment to this post
with the word in the description
 that starts with R 
or has an R in one of the words
and a link to the item.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for
each of the five store links.

E is For

Holiday Headquarters


IS FOR......
us to learn and grow

1.Using the links below find
one item in each store that
has a word in the item's
 description that has a word
that starts with the letter E 
or has an E in one of the words

2. Add a comment to this post
with the word in the description
 that starts with E 
or has an E in one of the words
and a link to the item.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for
each of the five store links.

H is For

Holiday Headquarters


IS FOR......
the loving "HOME" that
she keeps

1.Using the links below find
one item in each store that
has a word in the item's
 description that has a word
that starts with the letter H 
or has an H in one of the words

2. Add a comment to this post
with the word in the description
 that starts with H 
or has an H in one of the words
and a link to the item.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for
each of the five store links.

T is For

Holiday Headquarters


IS FOR......
the "TIME" she gives 
to her family

1.Using the links below find
one item in each store that
has a word in the item's
 description that has a word
that starts with the letter T

2. Add a comment to this post
with the word in the description
 that starts with T
and a link to the item.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for
each of the five store links.

O is For.......

Holiday Headquarters


IS FOR......
the so many "OTHERS" that
mom has cared for

1.Using the links below find
one item in each store that
has a word in the item's
 description that has a word
with the letter O in it

2. Add a comment to this post
with the word in the description
 that has a letter O in it
and a link to the item.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for
each of the five store links.

M is For

Holiday Headquarters


IS FOR......
the wonderful childhood
that Mom has given us

1.Using the links below find
one item in each store that
has a word in the item's
 description that starts
with the letter M

2. Add a comment to this post
with the word in the description
 that starts with M
and a link to the item.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for
each of the five store links.